Question Answering System
Final project of 5th semester Application of AI course
last updated: 2023/03/21

Final project of 5th semester Application of AI course
last updated: 2023/03/21
last updated: 2022/07/14
Analysis of the yellow cab taxi trips from January to March 2022. Graded mini Data Science project for the Database Technology class in the 4th semester.
last updated: 2023/04/12
Analysis of the Tweets under the 66DaysofData Hashtag. The challange was created by Data-Science-Youtuber Ken Jee
last updated: 2021/09/27
Lightweight CSV-Viewer to quickly view content of the file with added insights at one peak.
Interactive dashboard where users can pick a stock ticker, the date range and indicators.
Visualization of the development of the gold price before and during major crashes and comparison with the S&P500
Final project from the Data Analyst Nanodegree from Udacity. The goal of this project is to creat a presentation with explanatory visualizations.
First deliverable for the Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree